Friday, April 6, 2012

The Secret- power to positive thinking

‘Name of the diseases must be changed from everyday English words to something entangled.’ I said. ‘ like ?’ he raised his eyebrow. Actually we were in the middle of discussing something about positive vibration and stuffs.
‘Common cold to some words that people don't hear often.’ I rephrased. ‘like?’ It was his second like and it had a connotation. He was curious and inclining towards commendation at the same time. He knew exactly where I was gonna land with this thing.
We two discuss about ‘The secret’ all the time. I was referring to some part in the documentary ‘The Secret’ where the lady on the screen articulates what mother Teresa had to say when she would be asked to join in anti-war rallies. Mother Teresa on her denial would ask them to invite her on a Peace rallies and not anti-war rallies. It might seem to everyone  at first that anti war rallies and peace rallies are  the same thing : to bring in peace. But it seemed that Mother Teresa had other way around to pray for peace.
So i said ‘ from common cold to nasophryngitis(scientific name to common cold) may be?’
He was like ‘then people would go to the nearby clinic and say i got something called nasophyaaaa....the Compounder will simply go crazy.’ We exploded in laughter.
I wanted to say that if names were changed to unwonted then people wouldn't need to go to the doctors at the first place. But it was too early to insist on something that is not even close to being taken seriously. So here i am writing about it.
What Mother Teresa said on the denial to anti-war rally was pushing away the things that you don't want brings more of it. So one should not try to push away the things they don’t want and rather focus on what they really want. Even uttering of the words that you don’t want brings more of it. That’s the reason she denied to go to some anti-war rallies, because she didn’t want wars but peace. She is amongst the many famous personalities in the world who is supposed to have known ‘The secret’ of life. So if her words were any true then my hypothesis about changing names of the diseases shouldn’t fall very far from the tree, except i m not amongst the truly known personalities.
I don’t imply to change all the names of the diseases to something atypical. It would simply bring chaos in the medical world. You don't have to change ‘diarrhea’ to any other names because diarrhea only means ‘an illness in which the body’s solid waste is more liquid than unusual and comes out of the body more often’. But ‘Common Cold’ these two words have two different meanings when divorced. These two words are pretty popular words in whole of the continents even in the countries where speaking in English tends to zero. No wonder all the people in the world catch this disease at least once.
I have some more: ‘tuberculosis’. You don’t think it spells any easy ,do you? Well, it doesn’t. It only pronounces easy and its pronunciation is the closest to the word ‘TV’ for television. I don’t think i need to tell you how people in our country pronounce TV. We almost dwell on TB all the time. I even made fun of a friend, who had TB. I asked ‘How many Satellite channels you get?’.  Our country where people don't know television is actually ‘TV’, has a lot of TB patients. This disease is so popular that our national budget has some programs included every year to efface this disease.
There are two more popular and dangerous diseases which falls on the above categories, spreading as it gets spelled every time. HIV positive: technically not a disease itself only infected with HIV. But you don’t think this calm if your blood report says HIV positive, do you? I don’t think i need to explain about the word positive. You say your friend to think positive, your science book talks about the positive charges. We talk about this word positive all the time.
‘Cancer’ : this is one disease with no cure. Most people in our country knows cancer only as a disease, it doesn’t mean the word has no other meanings. It is the fourth sign of zodiac, relating to the period from 22nd June to 22 July and represented by a crab. Just do the maths , how many people you think wake up in the morning and look at this zodiac sign on some newspaper and start their day. You think their number is few??
Well , i can’t just assure you that changing the names of the diseases would do all the magic. But if there is really this power in the words and its vibrations like Mother Teresa said , who knows ‘a posteriori’ like this could bring  some magics back.


  1. Hehe...funny yet intrestin....i too think positivly all d tym coz my blood group is o+ve...hehe

  2. But cuold u change the way people think about that particular feeling...for eg,if i've got T.B and I just think its sth like (tv)...i still know its killing me..and that the feeling cant be changed

  3. I agree on Avinash Subedi's point bt not completly...yea thinking tb as a tv wont save u frm the disease but here d point is about thinkin positive...positive thinking will surely giv u sum power to fight against it...
