Wednesday, July 25, 2012

दोषी चस्मा

प्राप्तीमा केबल प्राप्ती देख्ने
प्रायसमा गल्ती देख्ने चस्मा
अन्धकरमा अन्धकर देख्ने
दियो बल्दा झस्किने चस्मा
निज को चिजमा दृस्टी भ्रम्
आफ्ना को जितमा  दृस्टी कम
पातलो फ्रेममा बाक्लो सिसा
मेरो चेतना को उत्तर
दोषी चस्मा परिवर्तनको रहर

बर्षको बृष्टी चस्मालाई सास्ती
पनिले धमिलिने संसार
शितको बक्लो हुस्सुमा
ढाकिने मेरो संसार
पातलो फ्रेममा बाक्लो सिसा
मेरो दोषी चस्मा
मेरो चेतनको उत्तर
दोषी चस्मा परिवर्तनको रहर

श्रीतीका तस्विरमा मुस्कुरएका सपना
अस्विकार्न खोज्ने दोषी चस्मा
मिल्क्याएर त्यो एक कुनामा
भाच्चेको फ्रेम फुटेको सिसा
मेरो चेतनको परिभासीत उत्तर
विवेक मुस्कुराएको हाँसो
स्वतन्त्र चेतनको आभास
दोषी चस्मा पछिको पहिलो जुनेली साँझ्
मेरो चेतना को उत्तर
दोषी चस्मा परिवर्तनको रहर

Sunday, July 22, 2012

अनि त्यो दिन घन्टी बज्यो

आलिखित अनेकौ कहाँनिहरु ,
 नछापिएका , नपढिएका
असम्वव अनेकौ सोचहरु  ,
 अस्विकारीएक , अपत्यारीला
नया सोचलाई बधा दिदै
पुरानै अस्थित्वमा सन्तुस्ट
बिवेकहीन परिचित अनुहारका
समृद्द अनेकौ हार
प्रायस गर्दै, लढ्दै उठ्दै
गोजी छाम्दै ,अनी डरएका अनुहार

अनि एक दिन मैले विचार गरे
नविन सोचलाई फेरी बोलाउने
प्रतिक्षामा घन््टौ खर्चे
चिया चुरोटको बिल बढे
त्यो दिन मेरो त्यसै कट्यो
चन्द्रमालाई पालो दिइ
सुर्यस्त पश्चिममै भयो

अनी फेरी देखे :
बिवेकहीन परिचित अनुहारका
समृद्द अनेकौ हार
प्रायस गर्दै, लढ्दै उठ्दै
गोजी छाम्दै ,अनी डरएका अनुहार

अचानक एकदिन ढोकामा घन्टी बज्यो
फेरी बज्यो अनि बजी रह्यो
गहिरो निन्द्राको उन्मादमा हराएको
बेहोसिमै ढोका सम्मको यत्रामा लागे
धमिला ति परिचित दृश्य,
स्पस्ट भएर जुट्न थाले
कालो घनघोर ति बादल ,
निलो पर्दा भएर फुट्न थाले
शितले थलिएको बृक्ष ,
फेरी रङिन सजिएर मुस्कुराइ रह्यो
घन्टी बजाउने उर्जाको भौतिक अस्थित्वको रहस््य
प्रकृतिमा बिलिन भयो

आनी फेरी देखें:
बिवेकहीन परिचित अनुहारका
समृद्द अनेकौ हार
प्रायस गर्दै, लढ्दै उठ्दै
गोजी छाम्दै  हासेका अनुहार

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Chapter one: the mystery patrol

The Harrison ford town is 40 mosours away. Harrison ford was declared the capital of state on Octamos 29 ,318 AM(After Meigen). Soon after they declared the town as the capital of state the town was renamed to Harrison ford, after the first king of Anopheles Meigen dynasty. My father inadvertently retaliate it as Suavepith, the former town’s name meaning charming land. The city has a destructive and sorrowful history. Millions of mosquitoes were killed by Harrison ford’s army when they first captured the state from Abraedes dynasty. My father told me they used this poisonous gas called greenwolf prepared by their chemist during war. The abraedes either survied the gas and fled to different other parts of state or they didn’t make it against the evil.

On this particular Octamos day, every year a marching troop of savage army led by the head of the command in chain Gen. meigen Toboian enters from the north of witzelsucht canyon to our village of Sabarge . The escort then head back to Harrison ford totting with them an oak barrel, light brown in color and tied with steel braces. This ritual takes place every year , the same octamos day. Meigens calls this festival Moubust,the festival of victory. This ritual if traced back to history marks the event when Meigens came to mastering the state of Mospal. Mospal state has the most fierceful and merciless army all over the region. Mospal borders in North the Mozzina state and to the south Mozrath state owns a vast land. The ritual is staged for 10 long days observed by all the citizens of the state.On the tenth day of the ritual the army march around the palace of Mozzihiti and sings the anthem infront of the king’s house and finally the king addresses the nation.

On the last year Moubust , King Harrision Ford the seventh declared that the Aedini Abraede’s right to ‘blood banking’. The members of the parlaiment led by Sithorpe Zhahyah president of Mospal Union for Meigan (MUM) finally listened to the voice of the helpless minority only supported in light strings by the Mospal congress. The bill was passed on the favor of the leftovers minorities from the war. A lot of abraedes fled to Mozrath state seeking refuge. The congress is fighting hard against the MUM for the voting rights of us Abraedes. The country has seen so many changes after the war, witnessed a civil war against the state’s army by the Mospalist united front from different minority tribes and mostly from Abrades. The Mospalist movement in our country with an aim to liberate the minorities from the repression, made the situation even worse for the Abraedes to live. In the inception of Abraedes rights movement, Mospal congress first thought it to raise the issue on the bill articulating the basic Mosquitoe’s rights for Abraedes community. The issue made them extensively popular that they won the following election with more than two-third majority of the votes. After the election, Mospal congress got busy with the government schedule and forgot the noble issue of evil dominance. That’s when the Mospalist declared the war against the state and Mospal congress had to abandon the issue from their political document that would literally free our soul from the centuries of exploitation. The general Meigen mosquitoes feared our community and armies started torturing the general Abraedes family. They would take Abraedes in remand without any legal document suggesting them to do so. Just when the country was getting better from the worse, Mospalist betrayed the whole community with their dreadful war.

After the Mospalist movement being turned down by the army a decade back, Mospal congress was again reconsidering  the bill that would liberate our soul from everyday’s nightmare. How could they not pass the bill that would just make our life easier? My father spent his entire life teaching history to this nation , he taught how in the other countries, all the citizens were allowed to vote indifferent of their tribes yet he yearns all his life to vote for this nation before he was finally taken to the heaven guarded by the angels.
It was the third day of the Moubust and my father was still watching television with all his senses vigilant.  The congress was trying to finalize the draft of the bill to propose before the Moubust ends. My father was hopeful to eventually attain his voting rights on the tenth day of Mobust,when the king would  finally address the issues that the nation finds delicate and of highly siginificance.Mom was preparing nectar soup for the dinner in the kitchen. And I was finding myself little twitchy about tonight’s gateaway with my friends, to go and watch the Mystery patrol for the first time in my life.

Well my dad is a news freak, he keeps himself so occupied with the television that, I think he will be the last person on earth to learn about his divorce if mom intended any. It’s the third time she was yelling from the kitchen with the ferocious look on her face. I dashed to the kitchen, I too was lost in the dexterity of the plan. The fourth and the final yell brought my dad back home from the fathomless dream in the quest of freedom. He smiled at my mom, who was still staring at him with her razor-edged long proboscis pointing at him in a splendid fashion. This happened almost every day and other days I didn’t feel the same twinges as today. I was wondering if my friends were waiting me on the backyard by now. I was only hoping to get this dinner session over already. A bizzare feeling had struck me deep down; this would be my first gateaway from home for as long as I have lived. My parents have no idea, what I was thinking about. They always love this idea of baby Emphis , doing everything as told and not having a least part of troublemaker. I couldn’t tell my parents what was making me feel so restless at that moment.

Father was getting wax lyricial about the soup, praising the food had been an easy trade for my dad to fend off the invasion of words from mom. I was not getting the taste of the soup at all, to tell if my father was truly speaking his heart out. I was offering all my thoughts to the safe execution of the gateaway paln. “NO, I m done”,I whisked the bowl away. “Emphis! You can’t sleep on that food all night son, don’t say no to your food ”, mom dictated. I peeked at my dad and he was already on mom’s side, that I could tell looking at his eyes.

“Ouch!!, you can’t just let me decide how much to eat ,can you?”, I said in a warning tone. “Emphis, watch your words when you talk to your mom, now go clean yourself up and get to the bed quick”, dad got infuriated at me. Well, i was relieved though. Now, the only thing I didn’t want to happen was dad starting the TV again. “Honey, I am calling it a night. I had a rough day , I am going to hit the bed.”, finally he was not watching the TV and the last thing that stands between the outset of my expedition is my  mom doing the dishes. I was inside the room and the time just seemed to be stretching more than the last second and the second before that. “Emphis, you are still up? Switch off the lights and go to sleep son”, mom shouted from her bedroom. “Good night! Mom”, I smiled to myself. I could finally sneak away now. I switched off the lights, slowly walked past the room and checked out the lights in my parent’s room. They were switched off too. i was stretching out of the back door and I had this last thought about the whole breaking away thing. The feeling of getting busted stroked my body and I heard the feeble call from my friends on the backyard. Suddenly I felt the energy level in me reaching the high point.

We hustled out of the boundary; I was absolutely excited about the night. ‘Patrol is already in the village, we have to speed up guys’, Albin was sure in hurry.  Brad and I were lagging behind trying to meet up with Albin’s pace. ‘How come you take so much time, Emphis?’ Brad was just curious and trying to set up a conversation mode. ‘Don’t ask.’ I just kept on leaping forward. None of us could fly; mosquitoes below fourteen are not allowed to fly legally according to the law. Albin was suggesting to fly for which I had a strong objection. I didn’t want to create any more troubles. The slogans were getting more explicit and the time seemed to have been squeezed more than the last second and the second before that. I couldn’t really figure out what it is with the time that it is so conflicting. I believed time has its own pace but then it didn’t seem that way. ‘Look there they have come’, Albin pointed to the distant view of army marching and singing the slogans in a perpetual harmony.

The hundred and thousands of king’s army in the light green uniform holding the arms and marching with empathic spirit was a sight worth a break away. We three hid behind the bush, we were totally lost in the world of wilderness. I kept on tracking the sound of the boots stomping the ground, I figured out that the sound had a small hush for a while and stomping continued again following the same strange pattern. I had never seen such number of armies before. ‘Look! the Oak barrel’, Albin again pointed to the sight at a great distant. The Oak barrel was getting closer now, the barrel was extra brown and the steel stripes were extra shiny from what I had in mind for so long time. The soldiers were holding it with extraordinary care for the whole barrel was considered more significant than what their life is worth in total. The barrel was carved with strange looking writings, one of the biggest mystery about the barrel is the writing itself. Not even the greatest of greatest intellects have ever come up with the satisfactory explanation about the writing.  We have lost the sight of the barrel now. The appearance of the barrel was no more a mystery to us. However the mystery still persisted in the inside of the barrel. I don’t think any of us were in a position to tell what’s exactly inside the barrel. I thought of leaving that mystery for the time to unfold. And I was fully assured that, the oak barrel will disclose its mystery one day. It was the same sound pattern created by the stomping boots and the slogans that we could only hear now. The sound fainted as the troops marched towards the Harrison ford. It will take another six nights for the armies to reach the capital, on the ninth day of the Moubust.

We didn’t budge from the location for a long time, thinking about what we had just witnessed at this young age. The whole situation was so complicated to comprehend; I don’t think no part of us was anywhere close tying makes sense of the event. ‘Emphis!Brad! Let’s go’, Albin was in hurry again. We had lost the track of time. We rushed back to home in a total silence. I looked above the ground to the sky and saw the moon following us in some bizarre way, I felt like the moon had answers to everything that kept us silent at that moment. The mysterious silence got mixed up with the feelings of excitement, astonishment and fear of getting busted at home. When we reached the back gate of my house and just about the time to call it a night, the house was lit up by the light in the drawing room. Brad and Albin ran off to their houses. It was the most unexpected looking situation I have ever faced, the first night break away was just about to end in a total success and my parents were already waiting for me in the inside. The only fitting option at the moment was to enter inside the house, which I did without thinking of what might possibly happen. Dad and mom were both waiting in the drawing room and staring at me with the deceived looks on their face. ‘Lock the door properly and get back to the bed’, dad demanded. I had no answers to anything what-so-ever, if he had demanded to know anything about the night. I had never followed any of his orders as quick as that night. I got into the bed feeling helpless in that traumatic situation; no wonder I didn’t get any sleep. I knew my parents were up to something dead serious, but what I was thinking of most was the image of the mysterious oak barrel and echo of the boots stomping the ground. I wished in all desperation that if only I could seize this night for so long time that my parents would fail to remember anything from this night, when they wake up next thing in the morning.

The inception:

It was panicking out there, no sense of light at the very distant. I would call this a total black. Which is why, I couldn’t tell what I was looking at. What I was starting to shape is a round-slightly oval on both the top and bottom edge ball with pacific blue patches allying at different nodes. It appeared to me like nothing I have ever seen. The image was getting vivid and the edges are getting more flat. I was getting this urge from the inside, to try putting into words the image I perceived. And next thing I saw, it suddenly got transfigured into my head and even worse, it was attached to my small body. Suddenly my head got heavy and when I glided that heavy structure resting on my body up, I could see a glowing ball the size even bigger than my head and shining. I could only surmise that to be the Sun. That was one hell of a dream that awakened me with this serious head ache. I felt like, I have been sleeping for ages just to let that image manifest into its proper shape. I was all wet in sweats, I needed some blood. I advanced for the jug and poured a glass of blood and drank it. After that night my life never became the same.

Well my name is Empis Abraedes and I am a mosquito. This is my story you will be reading. We belong to the tribe Aedini and Genus Abraedes. This is one weird name my father gave me when I first hatched out of the egg. He read it on some book  that in 300 BC A human named Aristotle referred to mosquitoes as 'Empis' in his 'Historia Animallium' where he documented our life cycle and metamorphic activites.My father is a retired history professor in Howardina university, he is currently the chief of our clan. He tells me people on the outside world hate us. When I asked my mom why they hated us? She just simply put it this way: ‘they don’t hate us son, they just don’t like us.’ I don’t know what she means with that, but I am always convinced by the way she can make things look so easy.

 I am always afraid of death and it's almost obvious when u r a mosquito.  My mom used to tell me, one day everyone has to die and death is what makes the life more meaningful. Why does she have to be ambiguous on every explanation? I can't doubt her though, she hasn't been wrong with the words once in all her life. My father married her when she was still at school and he was the headmaster. She was the brightest of all students. She had to quit school once my father got her pregnant. She told me once, she wanted to complete her high school but the feeling of having me in her egg was everything she would die for.

Sometimes I feel it’s really a tough thing living with an essence of a mosquito each day. I wished sometimes, if I could exchange my appearance with something else but mosquito. What if I could have this big physique like an elephant, would I still think like a tiny mosquito? What do other animals think anyways? My father used to tell me, it’s the human who is finer better animal on earth. He would tell me a boatload of stories about them, how they evolved as the most powerful and the most dangerous animals amongst all. I could tell it from looking at my fathers' face, human is the only thing on earth that my father fears of. He didn’t  tell me the reason why. Perhaps, he will someday or I will have to figure it out myself. I find their life strange from what my father tells me. How could they be so strange? They don’t have feathers and still fly on some fancy devices. My father believes in Aedini, our tribal god. He wants me to believe in the god too. I fear the god and keep myself away from what my father attests as evil. I wondered, if humans have god too. Or it is the same god they believe in. if so, why we r created less powerful than them. Does our god want us to suffer our whole life? We see less sunrise and sunsets in our life yet we suffer more in this trifle time. Is our god authorized with less power than their gods or it is the same god who resolves everything unjustified. Obviously my life has not been the same after the dream. I never talked this way before; I have this strange intuitive nudge asking me to do weird things more often than ever.